
A business that sells goods from suppliers to consumers via a storefront, whether it be brick & mortar or web-based. Business to consumer selling is the model for this membership type.

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A producer of products readily available for purchase by retailers or a distributor that works with manufuacturers to directly sell their products. Business to consumer selling will make up the majority of business for this membership type.

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Sales Representative Groups

A sales person who works on behalf of more than one manufacturing company to represent and sell that manufacturing companie’s products and/or services to retailers. Business to business is the selling strategy for this membership type.

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Those who have a service to offer retailers and/or manufacturers in the play industry. Examples include catalogers, wholesale distributors, buying groups, and public relations. Business to business is the mainstay for these companies.

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One who has created a product that is not yet available on the market for purchase. The initiative for this membership type is to sell ideas and/or product concepts to manufacturers.

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